Rejuvenation of the Eyes

The appearance of ones eyes speaks volumes about our age.  Not only is it the first feature people notice when they look at us, but it is also one of the first areas to show signs of aging.  There are several ways these changes can be addressed.


This is a surgical procedure in which the excess skin of the upper and lower eyelids is precisely removed with barely perceptible incisions.  Herniating pockets of fat can also be addressed through the same incision.  After blepharoplasty patients often say they look more awake and youthful.

Laser/Chemical Peels

For more subtle crepey skin, fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes there are non-surgical options available including chemical peels or laser treatments.

Under Eye Fillers

For hallowing under the eyes which can create dark shadows which make a person look tired, fillers can strategically be placed along the orbital rim or in the tear trough to combat these early signs of aging.

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