Facial Trauma

Trauma to the facial skeleton and soft tissue can occur in many different ways.  You name it, Dr. Ostrom has seen it.

When it comes to repair of the face after trauma, especially with more significant injury or injury to critical areas of the face, it is best to seek care from someone specially trained to treat these injuries.

Dr. Ostrom has extensive training in facial trauma.  She has a broad and deep experience with surgical repair of the facial bones which serve as the support system for the rest of the face and can have functional consequences if not repaired correctly.  Additionally, Dr. Ostrom is skilled in repair of the soft tissues of the face. 

If you have suffered a previous injury which has left you with an unsightly scar or significant asymmetry, Dr. Ostrom may be able to improve your existing scar for a better functional and aesthetic outcome.

There are other adjunct procedures which can help minimize the visibility of an existing scar without surgery.  Ask Dr. Ostrom if there is anything that can be done for your scar.  Often patients will benefit from treatment with laser, dermabrasion or other in-office procedures with less downtime required than surgery. 

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